Why Born in a Barn?

Well, we live in one. Kinda. Want the extended version? Click here.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I have stylish friends,

which is just an added bonus to their amazing personalities. I was nominated for the stylish blogger award by these ladies: Mchupie, LissaSue, Papps, Magnolia, & Jenn. If you aren't familiar with these blogs (& women) you are missing out. For real. Do yourself a favor and click away.
Now I need to list some random facts about myself. I will try to come up with new ones I haven't told you before, while you all try not to fall asleep on me.

People down the road from us have cows. One day they got loose, and I happened to be on the road at the same time, going the same direction. Once they heard my car, they turned around and charged at me. It was hilarious yet oddly scary.

My husband & I took a 4.5 week road trip last summer. There are no words to desribe the beauty we saw & memories we made.

Next up, East coast road trip. Dates TBD.

People consider us "crunchy".

A couple years ago we purchased, flipped & sold a house. We never considered moving from our barn.

I know a lot of you have recieved this award. I don't want to duplicate, so I am only going to pass it along to  Heathercara. , who just happens to be one of my favorite ladies!


  1. Awwww...thanks...the feeling is completely mutual :)

  2. we attended church in a barn last week and it was GREAT!

  3. I really hope you swing by New England on your road trip. :)
