Why Born in a Barn?

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Good news? No. What's that?

Hcg was at 18 yesterday. It had been a standstill at 17 for the last 2 Thursdays. Since it is so low,
but won't drop, they want to do a d&c to make sure there isn't any tissue leftover.

Will this ever end?


  1. Oh my gosh, you have got to be kidding me. Why is this taking so long? I am so sorry you are still dealing with set back and pain. I hope the D&c gets scheduled quickly and over with. Do you and DH have another vaca scheulded? I think you need one.

  2. Oh goodness you poor thing! You are definitely overdue for some of the good stuff... so sorry. *hugs*

  3. OH GOSH. At least it will all be over with.
    I took the Methotrexate injection yesterday. I was stuck around 90.
    I wrote about it just now, and called my post "It's all over :)".... afterwards, I though. I hope it is!
    Sending you Hugs. It's so tiring and depressing when it wont go away. xxxxxx

  4. I am so, so sorry sweetie.
